Only people with access to this org can join its meetings

Today’s post focuses on the Microsoft Teams software error “Only people with access to this org can join its meetings” that can occur when using teams through the Microsoft 365 tenancy ?

The issue:

“Guests” to your Microsoft tenancy via Teams get presented with the following Microsoft Teams error, when trying to join meetings:

Only people with access to this org can join its meetings. If you have an account with access to this org, sign in with that account. Otherwise, contact the meeting organizer.

Microsoft Teams Error

The resolution:

Funnily enough this Microsoft Teams error is an easy fix, but not obvious due to some terrible wording.

First of all, go to your 365 portal and chose the “Teams admin centre”
Microsoft Teams portal menu

Make sure “Guest access” is turned on, this should be “on” by default on for all newer tenancies.

Top Tip: Tenancies created pre 2020 may have this turned off, so checking this is important.

We are expecting this setting to be “On”:

Microsoft Teams guest access

Now you would think since you have enabled “Guest access” that will be the lot, but the confusion for what Microsoft define as a “Guest user” and an “Anonymous user” is the reason for this blog post.

Top Tip: If you drill down into AzureAD etc its actually justified but if you are only responsible for Teams for instance, it could catch you out!

Next we need to check the meeting settings and change the “Anonymous users can join a meeting” from “Off” to “On”:

Microsoft Teams meeting policies

Once enabled you must wait approx 1 to 2 hours, you cannot test this straight away so if you have a meeting scheduled with an external client, make sure you check these settings a few hours before to give yourself a fighting chance.

Find out more about how Teams guest access works

For more help with Microsoft Teams errors, please feel free to get in touch.

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